Saturday, December 31, 2005

The results of your analysis say:
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a social person who likes to talk and meet others.
You are affectionate, passionate, expressive, and future-oriented.
You are not very reserved, impatient, self-confident and fond of action.
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.
Read this at pearl's blog and i was bored so i took it also. Its quite true though.
Bah. Happy New Year again.
- 6:18 pm
_________Merry New Year?
Okay, so its been one year. I sincerly pray to whatever godbuddhamohammad that my friends will stay safe and my family huh. haha. okay la, like very act act liddat but thats basically what i wish for.
Other than that, there are also
secondary wishes
Basically, i need an mp3, new phone, and more shitass stuff. But wait, christmas is over aint? So fuck the presents its time for new year resolutions. I just hope that i do well for o lvls. HAHA. who am i kidding. So many things to write on the bloody resolution lah.
But before that, lets look back at last year. Well, i got into a totally new class, and in this past year i've made quite a few good friends. And people that i predicted that i wouldn't be good friends with actually turned out to be quite the opposite. (think this person's name starting with R, ends with G, and has the word UOTIN in the middle. Don't get it? Dumbass.)
Other than that, i've probably matured i guess. I look back at my friendster profile and i was like WTF? i see myself writing shitass like sKool, jUrong primary sCh and stuff like that. Well thank goodness i changed it already. How else would i be able to get the girls? ;) Nahh im just kidding.
Ah, this year also saw me taking up taekwondo. Well, its turned out to be a good sport ;)
And the Japanese lessons; good thing kah kin is taking them with me. I've been laughing EVERY SINGLE LESSON! LOL!
Okay, im not really into writing a whole lot of shitass here since it was ms dollarnote who wanted me to post. I pretty much thought "why not" and came here.
Basically, i wanna thank all my friends for being well, friends. ha ha. And hopefully next year's a better one.
- 2:15 pm
Friday, December 23, 2005
_________Soe Min
alright. i put an article on uncylopedia but it was deleted. ha ha. ok lah, i know it was crap. Anyway, for those who want to see what i wrote, im going to post it up here alright
== Soe Min. ===Introduction=A man of Singaporean blood but grandparents fled to the most friendly country in the world, MYamamamama, which is just off the coast of neibouring country, thaimyshoelaces.
Sources have said that he was caught back into big red dot, Singapore recently, in an attempt to inject more people of different races (even though he has singaporean blood but he's brown, so yeah.)
BBC(big bad cock), has also news of him, actually studying in a school called, FUHUA SECONDARY. His friendly alies are ruicheng the ice-cream man that lures little girls, kah kin the useless book, SK the blah, Paul the green dude, hassan the curly, jenmey the very tall, tingsheng the very decent guy, arron the mirror, ruoting the dollarnote, karyin the retro, meng kui the sick, victoria the secrets, yuan shan the round mountain?, adriel the huh, siew ping the veryDDRgirl, ramya the peishigdfren, peishi the ramyagdfren, liu wah the bart, bart the liuwah, yong soon the zhenyebf,zhen ye the yongsoongf,chongming the clever,shi jun the xiaopang,cindy the redhill, titus the blackpig, peixin the singlet, carol the hmm?zhen de ah cum whymynamenotonherehar and many many more. Rumour has it that Soe Min bought cheap plastic cups and poured tapwater into them, then giving it to them to drink. From then on, they have been slav-..... ....friendly allies to him.
==Body==Soe Min is mainly made up of free internet porn, monkey, more monkeys, and pie. m m m. yes. PIE.
His body has a total of one pac, which came as his six pacs all fell in love and combined together to make one big pac. If you look really closely, you can still see the remains of it, although you would need a microsope and a pencil to draw it out and trick yourself that you actually saw it after you fail to find it '''even'''with the microsope.
=Dangerous===Stay Clear==If you see him, STAY CLEAR. I repeat. STAY CLEAR. If you get close, you will get 10 million Singapore dollars, but when transfered to your home, will change into Rupia, whereby then will suffocate you with the sheer amount of it. Or, if you're lucky, you'll get one million ringgit, but forever be deemed a loser, and MALAYsian.
==Heath Problems==Soe Min has Symbolic Fakelikeass I am God illness. Symtoms mainly revolve around poking people in the eye and jumping on the table and shouting "MONKEY!!!11111"
A cure for this rare illness is still not available but some duck tape would just do the trick.
=External Relationships===Moderators==It is rumored that Soe Min has had a very exciting sex life before his capture in his cave, where he was found licking his computer because he attained "GOD LIKE" in DOTA. His external relationships, as a result, has been very good. It is also rumored that he, has actually pink jellybeans in his asshole, and moderators all over uncyclopedia have been trying to find it, and have been quoted
"its the pink one!!111omfg!!!"==Little Girls==He also seems to have a certain attraction to little girls, namely, Jenmey the Tall.
He would first start off a whole lot of crap about LIFE, then answering all the questions posted to him with a very simple answer;"because i am tEh poPe"
The little girls would be very amazed by him and then run about and bang into his knees.
==Japan==A shocking discovery, but Soe Min, actually has 101 children in Japan, but the reason for this is....unknown. ( know i know you know)
Anyhow, the japanese had also recently bought over the copyrights of his name and made it into an anime which has secret sex scenes here and there and made little cute dolls of him which has had worldwide success. Otherwise, he would be found in your local vcd shop buying some good o japanese, ahem, cds.
==Iraq==Yet another shocking discovery, he also had a child in Iraq before, but a second after he/she/it/ was born, it died out of sandstorm, hunger, dehydration, toomuchbrowness, but mainly shock of the ugly face of Soe Min.
=Other notes===Sightings==Anyhow, sightings have been made by a few, namely graceimnottheflower, reginathesiao, and kahkinheremynameisappearingforthesecondtime, he seemed to be in disguise as a, pope. They claim that he has miraculously caused them to have serious diarrhoea which wowed spectators. Other sources say that he simply poo-ed into their bird nest soup. Otherwise, people think that he is holy. We found chat logs that showed evidence that it was just a case of very very bad spelling by Soe Min himself, at around 2000 B.C, when the old man from KFC sent him a nudge on MSN, and he replied "I'm Holy" when actually he was looking at his in betweens and wanted to say "I'm Moley".
==We are appealing for help from you, the couch potato==He needs help. We need a savior. If you could give him a girl or two, then you can surely afford to give fifteen more to his friend, ruicheng.
Hey. Be a Man. Do the right thing.
----Ruicheng: 3.50AM December 23rd 2005
NOTE: SOME PARTS OF IT WAS EDITED BY JENMEY AND GODKNOWS WHO. Esp. the part on friendly allies. This was meant to be a joke only so people who were included inside please take this with a pinch of salt eh? If you don't like what you see here please tell me and i'll gladly remove it in a gitty. Merry christmas and cheers.
- 2:23 pm
Sunday, December 18, 2005
_________im bored
yes. its the all time overused, cliche, I AM BORED that has been used countless times bud countless ppl.
but it still doesn't change the fact that im bored leh.
actually these few weeks also feeling liddat. like missing something liddat. a person? a thing?
no idea.
i'll go bang the walls again then
(ps: no, im not going to "bang" the wall for your information)
- 1:35 am
Friday, December 16, 2005
my dinner for tonight is cambell's instant soup plus some bread. wow. you guys must be so jealous of me.
on another note, i realised that my friend's links aren't very'll probably fix it by the end of 2008 or something like that...
- 11:41 pm
Monday, December 12, 2005
_________im so freaking relieved
ok i feel real good now. not gonna blog much today. anyway heres the link for sherlyn
- 11:25 pm
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
_________short film
progress is pretty good! haha. im actually proud of myself. but er...if im not wrong i've not started on my holiday homework yet.
Oh well. Anyway, i've realised that i've actually got alot of energy within me when im doing the editing. Its like,
started at 12.30am
dododododo. whoa 2am. just do a little mroe
dodododododo. whoa. 4am. aiya one more scene
on and on and on....whoaa. 6am.
and im really like WTF?
Anyway. i think im feeling a little lonely these past few days. No wonder they say an editor's a lonely job.
Anyone still wide awake at 1.55am right now and feel like talking on the phone? No?
I'll go to sleep then.
- 1:53 am